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Former Pfizer VP: ‘Clear evidence of fraud’ in Pfizer study claiming 95% efficacy
America’s Frontline Doctors (AFLDS) Chief Science Officer Dr. Michael Yeadon yesterday said there is “clear evidence of fraud” in the Pfizer study that purports to claim 95% efficacy in their COVID-19 “vaccine”. (Article by Mordechai Sones republished from AmericasFrontlineDoctors.org) Yeadon was commenting on an article appearing in The Lancet and critiquing a documentary that scrutinized a Pfizer efficacy study, calling […]
By News Editors
Brazil’s Bolsonaro unchained: ‘If you accept this vaccination passport’ it will lead to ‘population control’
Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro offered stern warnings against the vaccine passports being implemented in some of the country’s cities, explaining that he believes the passports will lead to “population control” on behalf of powerful interests. (Article by Tom Pappert republished from NationalFile.com) Speaking in Portuguese in a translated clip posted to Twitter by Daily Veracy founder Vince James, President […]
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Western governments have proven their complicity in the destruction of their own peoples
Dear Readers, I cannot protect you if you don’t read the information. If you decide you prefer to live and do read the information below, ask yourselves this question: (Article by Paul Craig Roberts republished from PaulCraigRoberts.com) Why do people with no legislative power—employers such as the Nazis at Ochsner Health System in Louisiana, school boards, university administrators, […]
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Dr. Judy Mikovits – Fauci is behind every pandemic since 1984
Dr Judy Mikovits joins Mike Adams and she’s dismayed, that despite all of her best efforts to warn people for the past year and the best efforts of people like Dr Luc Montagnier, Dr Dolores Cahill, Dr Sherri Tenpenny and many others who predicted this mass murder, and yet it happened, anyway. (Article by Weaver republished […]
By News Editors
The conspiracy theorists were right; it IS a “poison-death shot”
“I’ll do one more mind experiment with you: If everyone on the planet were to get Covid and not get treated, the death-rate globally would be less than half a percent. I’m not advocating for that, because 35 million people would die. However, if we follow the advice of some of the global leaders– like […]
By News Editors
These charts say it all: The depopulation agenda is in full swing as more and more Americans are being killed and injured by ‘the vax’ being heavily pushed by the genocidal eugenicists
While according to Dr. Anthony Faust-i earlier in September, “it may take many, many more vaccine mandates to end the coronvirus pandemic”, with ‘Faust‘ hinting at an endless series of mandatory vaxxes (for delta, mu, omega, zeta and all of the other variants that will be rolled out over the next few years) being necessary for Americans to […]
By News Editors
Hospitals across America have become death camps as the globalist war upon humanity gets kicked into high gear
Hospital noun, often attributive hos·pi·tal | ?hä-(?)spi-t?l Definition of hospital 1: a charitable institution for the needy, aged, infirm, or young 2: an institution where the sick or injured are given medical or surgical care —usually used in British English without an article after a preposition 3: a repair shop for specified small objects Note on […]
By News Editors
Obama ordered FBI, CDC to implement globalist ‘health security agenda’ shortly before leaving office
Shortly before leaving office, President Obama and his administration took some actions regarding pandemics and “global health security” which some may find interesting. (Article by Robert L. Kinney III republished from LifeSiteNews.com) First, President Obama’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST), led by John Holdren, wrote and published a letter to the President with multiple recommendations for […]
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How can so many lies and so much evidence of fraud and state murder be covered up? Collective madness!
“It is incredible that this must be said, but the obvious seems to escape politicized academics, so we must state the obvious: Genocide is deliberate; it is premeditated. There is no genocide without premeditation. The murders are not unfortunate coincidences. This is why it is called “mass MURDER” and not “mass MANSLAUGHTER.” ~ A.E. Samaan (Article […]
By News Editors
As Newsweek warns of a coming ‘doomsday variant’, the ‘elitists’ isolate while the world dies according to their genocidal plans
With roughly half of the US population still deciding to reject the current Covid mRNA experimental vax, and the ‘Delta variant’ still not scaring enough people into taking the ‘big pharma concoction’, we’re not the least bit surprised that they’re already breaking out their next several ‘fear-this scenarios’, with the screenshot seen above of the August 13th issue of Newsweek […]
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