News & Articles By News Editors
By News Editors
Former Canadian provincial premier calls out COVID tyranny, says ‘end game’ is a global ‘reset’
Former British Columbia Premier Bill Vander Zalm warned that the “end game” from the COVID virus and jab mandates seems to be a “Great Reset” that will lead to a global communistic order. (Article by Anthony Murdoch republished from LifeSiteNews.com) The comments from Vander Zalm came from a 30-minute video interview dated October 18 and posted on the news site Press for Truth by Dan Dicks. “We will be totally controlled, totally controlled. Forget about freedoms […]
By News Editors
Dr. David Martin – Follow the patents, then you will understand COVID
“Dr. David Martin is a professional physician, developer of advanced computer systems, advisor to industry & governments. He also has engaged as an author, professor, public speaker, business visionary and researcher.” (Article by Mark Skidmore republished from Mark-Skidmore.com) MUST WATCH. Dr. David Martin – Follow the Patents, Then You Will Understand Covid (rumble.com) In this presentation, Dr. […]
By News Editors
Everything happening now is tied to ‘population reduction by whatever means necessary’ as even medical doctors and ‘big pharma’ executives warn ‘the vax’ is a ‘depopulation weapon’
Cicero cautioned, “that we do not recklessly and presumptuously assume something to be true.” That is good advice for any day, especially today when opposing voices involve everyone’s health. Don’t believe someone because he is impressive, has credentials, is in a place of authority, is very successful, and talks out of both sides of his […]
By News Editors
Medicine wants to kill you
Historians of the future, savoring ‘possum goulash around their campfires, will marvel that modern medicine squandered its authority, its credibility, and its sacred honor in the Covid Panic of the 2020s, when public health officials and doctors in clinical practice colluded to force mass vaccinations while suppressing news of the harms and injuries the vaccines […]
By News Editors
American families are living through these heartbreaking real-life stories of their children murdered by vax
It is already painfully obvious that the Elites seem to think they have control over your children and not you. Whether the teaching of mandated and clear racism via CRT or sexual perversions and sodomy as being “normal” and actually HOW to do it all which is just plain old fashioned child pornography and abuse, […]
By News Editors
The gigantic pink elephant in the room no one is talking about at the UN’s COP26 conference is that a ‘confluence of events’ has the planned annihilation of the human race accelerating
While the eyes of small parts of the world and much of the mainstream media have been on the United Nations Climate Change Conference that began on October 31st and runs through November 12th in Glascow, Scotland, and this Conference following 18 months of ‘virtual negotiations’ that were undertaken, as we’ll be exploring within this story, the REAL ‘weather news‘ […]
By News Editors
The US “holodomor” death toll set in action
At the height of the 1932-33 Ukrainian famine under Joseph Stalin, starving people roamed the countryside, desperate for something, anything to eat. In the village of Stavyshche, a young peasant boy watched as the wanderers dug into empty gardens with their bare hands. Many were so emaciated, he recalled, that their bodies began to swell […]
By News Editors
Fatal consequences await those who are unprepared for this ‘dead of winter’ TEOTWAWKI scenario
We’ve recently had a number of news tips sent to ANP by several different readers all focusing on the same subject matter and when that happens, we’ll often take that as a sign to do some more research on the topic at hand and write a story about it when we’ve discovered something sinister at […]
By News Editors
The New World Order we were warned was coming is now here and America will never be the same – medical martial law, empty shelves, radical socialism and more
2021 should have been a real eye opener for those Independent Media warned about the “NWO” aka the New World Order, where chaos is created just so radical politicians can use it to “create a solution” that limits even more rights and freedoms in America. (Article by Susan Duclos republished from AllNewsPipeline.com) What was it Obama’s White House […]
By News Editors
Noam Chomsky endorses Holodomor 2.0 strategy to starve the unvaxxed into submission
Leftist intellectual Noam Chomsky in a recent interview endorsed segregating the unvaccinated from society and denying them food in a neo-Bolshevik Holodomor 2.0 strategy to starve them into submission. (Article by Chris Menahan republished from InformationLiberation.com) “Such people have to be– they should have the decency to remove themselves from the community, if they refuse to do that, […]
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