News & Articles By News Editors
By News Editors
UK Gov. confirms 9 in every 10 COVID deaths over the last year have been among the fully/triple vaccinated
Official figures published by the UK Government reveal the fully/triple vaccinated population have accounted for over 9 in every 10 Covid-19 deaths in England over the past year, 91% of all Covid-19 deaths since the beginning of 2022, and 94% of all Covid-19 deaths since the beginning of April 2022. (Article republished from Expose-News.com) On […]
By News Editors
Globalist ‘death cult’ launches all-out war on the essential elements of life: MUST-WATCH VIDEO
The globalist assault on life is ratcheting up and attacking from all angles, like never before. This should signal us that we are in the end times and the enemy has triggered his end-game scenario. In baseball, you always save your best pitcher for the last inning, when you need to close the game out. […]
By News Editors
BUSTED: ‘Bill Gates Institution for Population Control’ quietly changed its name
Was the Gates Foundation originally called The Bill & Melinda Gates Institute for Population Control? (Article by Sean Adl-Tabatabai republished from NewsPunch.com) A bombshell revelation if true. But is it? Let’s take a look at this video that has gone viral recently and sparked the discussion (below). While some people claim the video might be […]
By News Editors
The CDC failed, so spin it off and make it more powerful?
The failure of the CDC to manage COVID-19 was baked in from the first moments of its response. A government agency was never going to mitigate, much less get rid of, this sort of pathogen. This is because the virus never cared a whit about prestige degrees, job descriptions, big budgets, high-end connections, media agitprop, or polls. […]
By News Editors
Americans one crisis away from starvation – The odds of this many food supply chain issues happening at once are so astronomical as to be impossible… Unless by design
ANP received the following email a little over a week ago, and I have spent time researching the issue, which is meat prices, how they continue to rise and how a “surge” is expected, which experts are predicting will last years. (Article by Susan Duclos republished from AllNewsPipeline.com) Yes, years. Not counting how they have already “surged” […]
By News Editors
They’re free to keep on killing us, as long as we keep thinking that they couldn’t be that evil
Thus they rely on us to serve as our own thought police (Article republished from MarkCrispinMiller.Substack.com) Here’s a post by Dr. Meryl Nass, which makes the crucial point that those intent on killing us have been protected from discovery—and punishment—by our own inability to think that THAT could possibly be true. This is, as I say, the crucial point; […]
By News Editors
AUDIO: Children’s hospital admits to performing hysterectomies on trans minors
Last week, I was viciously attacked by the media for raising awareness about Boston Children’s Hospital offering gender-affirming hysterectomies for young girls. Left-wing activists called for me to be banned from social media for drawing attention to a practice Boston Children’s Hospital was publicly advertising. The attacks lasted for a week. They gaslit the public and denied […]
By News Editors
COVID vaccines are at least 75x deadlier than all other vaccines combined according to Medicine Regulators
The UK Medicine Regulator has confirmed that over a period of nineteen months the Covid-19 Vaccines have caused at least 5.5x as many deaths as all other available vaccines combined in the past 21 years. (Article republished from Expose-News.com) This means, that when compared side by side, the Covid-19 injections are a shocking 7,402%/75x more […]
By News Editors
COVID vaccine propaganda busted – High deaths and cancers
The main propaganda line is that vaccines and boosters are ‘safe and effective’ and prevent severe illness and death. These are lies, as shown by the data. (Article by Dr. Joel S. Hirschhorn republished from TheBlueStateConservative.com) COVID propaganda lies set a record in the history of the human race. It has killed millions of people. […]
By News Editors
Corporate media to peasants: ‘Be a climate hero, kill yourself’
The global depopulation agenda – driven from on high by the transnational likes of the UN and World Economic Forum – is very real, and more brazenly flaunted with each news cycle. (Article by Ben Bartee republished from BlacklistedNews.com) From global government to controlled supply line demolition, the last two years have vindicated the “conspiracy theorists.” Their wildest […]
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