News & Articles By Mike Adams
By Mike Adams
Situation Update, April 6th: The vaccinated will DIE; the unvaccinated will be HUNTED
Globalists have a forked-tongue plan to exterminate humanity: Many who take the vaccine will simply die from the engineered hyperinflammatory reactions that are likely to hit hard in the Fall, while those who refuse to take the vaccine will be hunted down, rounded up and thrown in covid concentration camps for efficient extermination. This plan […]
By Mike Adams
Situation Update, April 2nd: Bill Gates’ mad science TERRAFORMING scheme blocked by reindeer herders
Bill Gates is an anti-human depopulation zealot who wants to exterminate humankind by blocking the sun and collapsing the global food supply. His mad science experiment to launch this global death initiative is called the “SCoPEx” project, which I first reported back in 2019. At that time, the fake news media claimed all reports about […]
By Mike Adams
Situation Update, Mar 31st: Those taking vaccines are shockingly ignorant of the criminal fraud behind Big Pharma
Many people don’t seem to realize it, but nearly every vaccine manufacturer currently profiteering from covid-19 vaccines has a long history of criminal fraud, bribery, kickbacks and faked science. This fact has even been covered by the corporate news media over the years. For example, ABC News reported in 2010 that AstraZeneca, “illegally marketed the […]
By Mike Adams
Situation Update, Mar 30th, 2021 – Project Looking Glass reveals future timelines converging into mass AWAKENING and the defeat of evil
In today’s Situation Update podcast, we cover killer robots, the coming George Floyd post-court case chaos, the CDC’s deliberate collapsing of the U.S. housing supply, deadly side effects from the AstraZeneca vaccine, the rolling out of medical fascism “vaccine passports” and the important role of vitamin D in preventing pandemics. Beyond all that, we take […]
By Mike Adams
Situation Update, Mar 26: Vaccinated people are walking biological time bombs and a THREAT to society
People who are ignorant enough to be injected with an experimental vaccine that accelerates the generation of highly contagious super strains in their own bodies are walking biological time bombs and a threat to society. The globalists know this, and consistent with their goals of global mass extermination, they are giving the most dangerous and […]
By Mike Adams
Situation Update, Mar 24th – God’s Great Reset and surviving the tribulation
An excellent article published by The Burning Platform asks the question: What does the Bible say about mass death during the tribulation and end times scenarios? A full analysis of the Book of Revelation tells us that at least half the current human population will be extinguished, leaving somewhere under four billion humans still alive. […]
By Mike Adams
Situation Update, Mar. 17th: How to survive the engineered EXTERMINATION of the human race
To understand why the globalists are actively working to exterminate the entire human race, you have to first understand their plans for themselves. They believe in transhumanism and think they’re going to transition from carbon-based life to silicon-based life by “uploading” their consciousness into machines. Once they are in the machines, they believe, they will […]
By Mike Adams
Emergency VACCINE ALERT edition: Situation Update, March 16, 2021
The mass vaccination of the human population is turning vaccinated people into “super strain” factories who are churning out mutant, deadly strains of coronavirus that may devastate humanity. A top vaccine scientist (Dr. Bossche) is warning that mass vaccinations may create an “unstoppable monster” and that mass vaccinations during the pandemic could transform the relatively […]
By Mike Adams
BOMBSHELL report – Same tech industry that powered Holocaust computational machines now backing VACCINE compliance tracking and food allowance
In the late 1930s and early 40s, IBM (International Business Machines) began partnering with the Third Reich to provide computational machines for tracking Jews for extermination. This is fully detailed in the book, “IBM and the Holocaust” by Edwin Black, available at Amazon and elsewhere. Now, as published by Mint Press News, IBM is partnering […]
By Mike Adams
Situation Update, March 8th – Bill Gates aiding Communist China in harvesting DNA of Americans to build race-specific BIOWEAPONS
A stunning development covered by The National Pulse reveals that the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation helped fund a communist Chinese military front company that used “covid testing” as a ruse to surreptitiously harvest the DNA of Americans. This CCP front company was also exposed by 60 Minutes. The name of the CCP front company […]
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