News & Articles By Mike Adams
By Mike Adams
Why God will NOT save humanity… prepare for Hell on Earth as human society reaps the consequences of unleashing mass destruction, death
As globalists accelerate their engineered mass depopulation agenda, we must all remember that God will not intervene until humanity has reaped the consequences of its own destruction. Why is this the case? Because God granted humanity free will, and free will means nothing if those who have it are not allowed to experience the consequences […]
By Mike Adams
FDA gaslights the world with FAKE “approval” of Pfizer vaccine while Biden’s fake presidency collapses
We now know the FDA “approval” of the Pfizer covid vaccine is a bold, treacherous gaslighting campaign involving media lies, fake science and criminal conduct at the FDA itself. Issuing two letters on Monday, the FDA actually extended the EUA for the Pfizer vaccine while granting approval to a different vaccine called “Comirnaty” which does […]
By Mike Adams
FDA vaccine “approval” leads blue states to order the mass slaughter of teachers, workers and first responders
The FDA’s fraudulent “approval” of the failing Pfizer covid vaccine is all that leaders of blue cities and states needed to order the mass slaughter of their own employees. In mere hours after the FDA’s announcement yesterday, the State of New Jersey ordered the mass slaughter of all NJ teachers and state workers via spike […]
By Mike Adams
Health authorities are pushing booster shot extermination plans to hurry and kill the masses before they fully awaken to the covid scam
For anyone paying attention, it’s abundantly obvious now that the entire covid “plandemic” scam is a global depopulation scheme to scare people into taking spike protein bioweapons shots (“vaccines”) that will kill them over time. What the globalists didn’t anticipate, however, is the rapid awakening to the truth that’s now spreading like wildfire across the […]
By Mike Adams
Globalists flee to private islands, underground bunkers, as they unleash bioweapons “nuke from orbit” plan to decimate the human race with spike protein vaccine injections
The biological war against humanity has just shifted from the “please come take these friendly vaccine” phase to a globalist “nuke from orbit” stance that plans to force mass extermination injections on the entire human race. The irrational desperation of governors and national leaders to force spike protein bioweapons injections into the masses is a […]
By Mike Adams
Authorities order the VAXTERMINATION of city workers, doctors and nurses as spike protein MURDER injections target government and health care sectors
Government authorities and large health care groups are ordering the vaxtermination of their own members and workers, demanding spike protein murder shots be injected into millions of victims who work in the government and health care sectors. NYC mayor Bill de Blasio, for example, just announced covid mandates (vaccinate or endure daily tests with high […]
By Mike Adams
GOT PLAYED: 124 million Democrats have taken Trump vaccines… what happens if they start dying?
In what might be one of the most devastating tactical maneuvers in the history of America, President Trump has managed to corral as many as 124 million Democrats to take “Trump vaccines” that are linked to infertility, autoimmune disorders and increasing deaths. We will discuss the ethical implications below. That aside, if these vaccines begin […]
By Mike Adams
The tide is turning: 50 steps for survival and VICTORY against the destroyers
The plandemic engineers and mass murderers will be exposed and stopped. Much like the Third Reich, their conspiracy to exterminate the human race will ultimately fail, and now we’re starting to see a tipping point emerging, leading to a global backlash against Fauci, Daszak, Gates, Soros and all the others who took part in this […]
By Mike Adams
Collapse convergence: Floods, droughts, famine, vaccine biowar and global fiat currency implosion… they’re “stacking” them for maximum devastation
The first thing we all need to recognize is that the catastrophes are being engineered. The covid bioweapon was created in a lab. The vaccine was developed to intentionally achieve depopulation. The “great reset” of the financial system is being planned by the wealthy bankers. Even the floods, droughts and crop failures are mostly the […]
By Mike Adams
Health Ranger exposes planned takedown of America, ending in martial law, halted elections and Holocaust-level mass extermination via spike protein injections
A nefarious plan is under way to place America under a military dictatorship, halt the mid-term elections and unleash armed soldiers to go door-to-door, confiscating guns and forcing vaccines on the American people to achieve Holocaust-level mass extermination. That plan follows a specific series of events that all orbit around the concept of “planned chaos.” […]
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