News & Articles By Mike Adams
By Mike Adams
“Skynet” microchip breakthrough announced that will ENSLAVE humanity with AI cyberlords… the end of humanity approaches
In the Terminator sci-fi movie series, scientist Miles Dyson is given an exotic microchip from the AI cyborg sent from the future and uses it to pursue “radical” new developments in microprocessors. This research ultimately becomes Skynet, the global AI supercomputer system that achieves self-awareness and decides to eliminate humanity by initiating nuclear war. This […]
By Mike Adams
Situation Update: Dead pilots, vaccine tyranny, and the exopolitical Artificial Intelligence origins behind the plot to depopulate planet Earth
Today’s article and Situation Update podcast are not for the faint of heart, and there’s a lot that can’t be put into text here because it will be instantly read and parsed by automated systems. Some of those automated systems are likely behind the current purge of humanity that’s taking place on a planetary scale. […]
By Mike Adams
BOMBSHELL: Could OMICRON be the CURE for covid? Highly infectious strain with “mild” symptoms could deliver worldwide natural immunity and make vaccines obsolete
Yesterday I interviewed Steve Kirsch, a highly intelligent, data-driven analyst who has been making huge wave on Substack with his articles on covid vaccines (and their long-term effects on humanity). That full interview will be posted today on my channel at Brighteon.com. In that interview, Kirsch dropped a bombshell. He explained that omicron so far […]
By Mike Adams
How they plan to kill BILLIONS with the common flu: Covid vaccines induce “AIDS” immune system failure, opening door to death via common flu strains
Covid vaccines are increasingly recognized as depopulation weapons being deployed against humanity. But the mechanism of how they work is only now becoming clear. The gain-of-function researchers who built this bioweapon — all criminals against humanity — didn’t want it to kill people too quickly because that would be noticed right away. So they needed […]
By Mike Adams
PSYCHO-BIO-WARFARE: OMICRON hysteria is a virus of the mind with no basis in physical reality… it’s all a mind game to drive people to vax suicide
The dreadful-sounding “Omicron” variant is the latest chapter in the globalist psycho-bio-warfare attack on humanity. The “psycho” part refers to the psychological terrorism inflicted by the complicit media and its attempts to drive everyone into widespread fear. The “bio” weapon is the vaccine itself, which was engineered from the start as a depopulation bioweapon designed […]
By Mike Adams
Ten OMICRON “variant” predictions for 2022 and beyond… globalist authoritarian playbook stripped naked
The omicron “variant” media hysteria is pure fiction. It’s nothing but a 1984-style Orwellian psychological terrorism operation that has been engineered to keep the populations of the world enslaved and obedient while terrorist governments carry out their global depopulation / genocide programs. The evil genius of this narrative is that it requires no evidence whatsoever. […]
By Mike Adams
Australia begins covid ETHNIC CLEANSING with military roundups of indigenous people… junk science “sewage” testing used to imprison entire communities at gunpoint
The Australian government of the Northern Territories is now using military soldiers and army trucks to forcibly round up indigenous people who have merely been near someone else who tested “positive” for covid. With families being separated at gunpoint, one of the most horrifying predictions we made has now come true: Military / medical martial […]
By Mike Adams
Only PUREBLOODS will survive the vaccine / radiation holocaust being unleashed against humanity… the spike protein in vaccines causes genetic DISINTEGRATION
Today’s podcast is a bombshell that needs to be understood by anyone hoping to survive the vaccine holocaust, because it’s really a “genetic bomb” against humanity. The vaccine, by suppressing the natural DNA repair mechanism in the body — known as NHEJ, or Non-Homologous End Joining — makes people highly susceptible to devastating, cancerous mutations […]
By Mike Adams
The SMALLPOX BIOWAR – globalists prepare “perfect” scheme to cover up vaccine deaths and cancel mid-term elections by unleashing a new, deadly epidemic
The good news is that the Biden vaccine mandate is almost certainly going to be struck down by the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals. This will hand Biden a crushing defeat of his attempted agenda to mass exterminate the American people via “vaccine” bioweapons. The bad news is that once the vaccine mandate is struck […]
By Mike Adams
The vaccinated are DROPPING DEAD in plain view as Fauci and the media admit total vax FAILURE… while pimping more booster shots for the gullible
It’s now official: Tony Fauci has admitted that vaccines aren’t working and that vaccinated people of every age are getting sick and dying. His exact quote from a New York Times podcast on Nov. 12th, as reported by Yahoo News: They are seeing a waning of immunity not only against infection but against hospitalization and […]
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