In this day and age, you can have just about anything delivered to your doorstep by way of drone. One …
Around 65.5 million years ago, an asteroid about six to nine mi — or 10 to 15 km — in …
On the early morning of Aug. 26, 2016, 20-year-old Abbey Parkes suffered from a cardiac arrest at her home in …
As part of their new forensic anthropology major, Northern Michigan University (NMU) have included a cold-weather body farm in the …
The idea of poor people being the most frequent diners of fast food may not be true. Income has nothing …
If there is alien life out there, it might be anything but organic. According to one prominent astrophysicist, aliens could …
What would happen if an asteroid slammed into the earth? Researchers from the University of Southampton concluded that the most devastating …
The population of butterflies in the UK has sharply dwindled, conservationists have revealed. According to the UK Butterfly Monitoring Scheme, …