All posts created by Amy Goodrich
09/20/2017 / By Amy Goodrich

If sperm counts continue to fall at the current pace, humans could become extinct, a new report revealed. A team

07/25/2017 / By Amy Goodrich

On July 14, Google’s bio-lab began releasing the first batches of the 20 million bacteria-filled mosquitoes they plan to set free

07/10/2017 / By Amy Goodrich

Euthanasia raises several moral dilemmas. Should people have the right to decide on matters of life and death? If at

05/08/2017 / By Amy Goodrich

Following a major earthquake in March 2011, a 15 meter-high tsunami ravaged the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. Though the

04/03/2017 / By Amy Goodrich

Marine fish provides 15 percent of all animal protein consumed by humans. Unfortunately, we may not have the luxury of

03/26/2017 / By Amy Goodrich

If you are a salmon lover, you may have to cut back on how much of this vitamin D and