Monday, September 25, 2017 by Jayson Veley
Most Americans are well aware of the fact that Democrats are staunch supporters of a woman’s right to have an abortion, but what many people don’t understand is the lengths that these leftists go to advance their agenda. In Missouri, for instance, Planned Parenthood is actually teaming up with Satanists in an effort to break through the state’s strict laws on abortion.
Despite the fact that Planned Parenthood has an uphill battle, the pro-abortion organization has certainly made progress in Missouri in recent months, especially after a U.S. district judge granted a preliminary injunction invalidating the state’s high standards for abortion clinics. Just this past Monday, Planned Parenthood Great Plains announced that they will soon be offering abortion services at two more clinics, including the one that they have located in midtown Kansas City (Related: The abortion industry generates nearly $1 billion per year by murdering babies.)
But a small handful of abortion clinics across the entire state of Missouri is not nearly enough for Planned Parenthood and the left, so they must continue looking for ways to ram their radical agenda even further down the throats of the American people. As it turns out, one such way is by teaming up with the Satanic Temple – because if you’re already advocating for unethical practices and the abandonment of morality, why not just go all the way with it?
Earlier this week, the Satanic Temple indirectly advanced Planned Parenthood’s agenda by arguing in a Missouri court that the state’s abortion laws violated the rights of their members to the freedom of religion. How ironic it is that the Satanic Temple argues for the freedom of religion when it comes to fighting for abortion rights, but would likely abandon that support for the freedom of religion if the individual or group in question were of the Christian faith.
The Satanic Temple has assisted Planned Parenthood on their quest to make abortions more accessible and socially acceptable before, primarily because of the Temple’s belief that “One’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone.” When it was revealed last year that Planned Parenthood was selling the limbs and organs of aborted babies, for instance, the Satanic Temple rushed to Planned Parenthood’s defense by planning and holding a series of counter protests at pro-life rallies. The Temple also filed a lawsuit with the state of Missouri because one of their members allegedly had to wait 72 hours before getting an abortion (Related: Planned Parenthood believes that DACA children should be protected unless they were murdered before being born.)
The fact that Planned Parenthood is working with a group that worships Satin is actually rather unsurprising when you consider the dark truth about the organization’s founding. Margaret Sanger, the original founder of Planned Parenthood, was both a eugenicist who believed in abortion as a means of controlling the population, and a racist.
In her autobiography, Sanger even wrote about a time when she proudly delivered a speech before the Ku Klux Klan: “I accepted an invitation to talk to the women’s branch of the Ku Klux Klan… I saw through the door dim figures parading with banners and illuminated crosses… I was escorted to the platform, was introduced, and began to speak… In the end, through simple illustrations I believed I had accomplished my purpose. A dozen invitations to speak to similar groups were proffered.”
There really is no other way of looking at it: The abortion industry is sick, corrupt and evil. With any luck, America will one day look back on the practice of destroying an innocent form of life before it’s even outside of the womb and cringe. We will read about abortion in the history books and think to ourselves, “Was that really us? How could we have done such a thing? What on earth were we thinking?”
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Tagged Under: Tags: abortion, Anti Christ, Margaret Sanger, murder, Planned Parenthood, Pro-choice, pro-life, religious freedom, Satanic Temple, Satanists