Thursday, February 09, 2017 by News Editors
We first want to thank Fox News for FINALLY reporting on a subject that has been highly censored by the mainstream media for the past 5+ years, the situation in Fukushima, Japan is completely out of control. While Fox News recently reported that radiation levels at Fukushima were now at ‘unimaginable levels’ more than 5 years after the disastrous earthquake and tsunami struck, as Steve Quayle asked in an SQNote he left while linking to that story, why has the mainstream media been silent all of this time?
(Article by Stefan Stanford from Allnewspipeline.com)
We’ve long believed that ‘reality’ has a way of ‘awakening’ everybody and the stories recently coming across the wire over at ENENews have been mind-numbing the last few weeks to say the least. You can hear the Fox News report on Fukushima in the 1st video below while in the 2nd video, Mike Adams over at Natural News gives us a new update on the ‘Fukushima radiation apocalypse’ that has been steadily spewing poisons into our atmosphere for almost 6 years now with hardly a peep from the MSM.
In the most recent stories from ENENews, on February 5th they reported the heartbreaking news that a record high number of whale deaths had recently been reported surrounding the Hawaiian Islands with the sick and starving animals allegedly a ‘mystery’ to experts. Reporting that rotting carcasses were scattered throughout the islands, how can so-called experts NOT know that Fukushima poisons flowing into our oceans for years are most likely to blame?
As Adams tells us in his video, the sustainability of all life throughout the Northern hemisphere is in danger and the entire MSM up until now has been in a complete blackout mode except for this recent reports. Do CNN, MSNBC and the rest of them think that if they DON’T report upon Fukushima, what’s happening to the fish and our oceans is ‘fake news’? Do they think that because we can’t actually SEE the radiation, it’s not really there? The MSM’s failure to report upon Fukushima may be the final straw that not only breaks the camel’s back but puts that camel out of our misery.
For the past several years, we’ve reported horror story after horror story of sea life dying all across the Pacific Ocean and up and down the entire West coast, from Alaska to California. Also documented in great detail over the past several years by ENENews, with mass animal deaths all across the world being kept track of by End Times Prophecy, it’s clear that the mainstream media has completely failed the American public on Fukushima.
Another recent story over at ENENews reports on Fox News’ sudden admission that Fukushima is out of control, highlighting a few phrases used by Fox in their report that shows just how completely out of touch the MSM has been with reality over the past 5+ years. Their story also brings to light :
Fox News, Feb 8, 2017 (emphasis added): Adam Housley, who reported from the area in 2011 following the catastrophic triple-meltdown, said this morning that new fuel leaks have been discovered… He said that critics, including the U.S. military in 2011, have long questioned whether Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO) and officials have been providing accurate information on the severity of the radiation… He added that critics are now questioning whether the radiation has been this severe all along.
Fox News video transcript excerpts, Feb 8, 2017: “Experts believe melted fuel is leaking inside the plant almost daily… No one knew [in 2011] of the growing threat which today only continues to get worse… Wow, this is a crazy story… What some people are saying is, ‘ Has it been this bad since the beginning?’”
Quite surprisingly after all of their years of silence, the Washington Post actually finally reported on Fukushima on February 8th in a story in which they asked: “Could the radiation level be even higher? Possibly. The 530 sievert reading was recorded some distance from the melted fuel, so in reality it could be 10 times higher than recorded” said Hideyuki Ban, co-director of Citizens’ Nuclear Information Center.
Imagine that… ten times higher than the ‘unimaginable levels’ already detected. Is this why the MSM is finally reporting upon Fukushima? As a commenter on the Washington Post story wisely mentions, we’re watching a run-a-way train speeding completely out of control and experts have admitted, there is really no way to stop it… and least not in the next several decades.
Devastating to our oceans and therefore our food chain, we read in the new SQAlert seen below that most Americans are completely clueless to what is happening to the Pacific Ocean and up and down the West Coast of America.
Regarding this forever-lied-about Fukushima tonnage released daily, the problem is two-fold— 1) only a small (yet growing) number of dumbed-down, Facebook and Twitter-absorbed, McDonald’s food-engorging people are even AWARE…..yes, after five years…..of how serious Fukushima is. It is because the mainstream media doesn’t breathe a word about it. 2) the second issue is RAMPANT APATHY, RESIGNATION, AND DENIAL. I sent the bleak and depressing coast-of-Chile sardine kill photos to friends everywhere and not even ONE (we are talking about people your age and mine….about 65….highly successful and intelligent) wrote me back with perhaps a query as to whether it MUST BE radiation from Fukushima or if it MIGHT HOPEFULLY BE El Nino algae “red bloom” choking off oxygen.
And the ignorance of the American people in itself is the work of the MSM, neglecting to report upon what could be the most important health story in America and the northern hemisphere today – a story that up until now, has flown completely under the MSM radar. So why would the MSM ‘black out’ Fukushima for nearly 6 years and why are they suddenly reporting upon what’s happening there now?
In the new story from Mike Adams over at Natural News he reports “there are times when I’m convinced humanity is a suicidal cult of complete idiots whose only real achievement is figuring out increasingly obscene ways to distract themselves from reality.” Adams points out that while most of the nation was fixated on the Super Bowl and Lady Gaga, the Fukushima disaster got much worse…and the MSM remained silent.
In the new story from Ethan Huff over at Outbreak.News he reports that according to one liberal college professor, the world will be much better off without 90% of the population. Professor Eric Pianka from the University of Texas claims the Earth is way overdue for a massive die-off. And with much of the left thinking murdering babies is ok, as is ‘expressing their love through violence upon those who don’t think like they do’, might Fukushima be the ‘ultimate depopulation weapon’, intentionally unleashed upon ‘the West’, an endless radiological attack upon the Northern hemisphere, one we cannot see nor smell nor taste?
The fact that the mainstream media has seemingly gone out of their way to cover up what has been happening at Fukushima for almost 6 years now gives us a hint that something much more might be at play. And the fact that liberal professors such as Eric Pianka seemingly have a death wish for our society should prove to us what kind of people have gained power over the past decade+, and that have led to snowflakes suffering nuclear meltdowns on US college campuses. From Outbreak.News:
“This is really an exciting time,” Pianka is quoted as saying amid warnings of an apocalyptic future. “Death. This is what awaits us all. Death.”
Pianka’s collective death wish for humanity fits right into the current eugenics plan of limitless abortion, which has become a rallying cry of the political left. Just recently, millions of women marched on Washington, D.C., to demand that they continue having access to abortion clinics where they can murder their unborn babies on a whim — because this is supposedly their right as women.
Such evil is exactly the type of thing that Pianka seems to embrace as good in his distorted worldview. Killing off humans is a good thing in his demented mind, and this message of human destruction is continually being spread to impressionable young men and women attending college who likely never thought they would encounter this toxic message while trying to get an education.
After making his initial statements in front of a diverse crowd at the Texas Academy of Sciences, Pianka was later approached by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) after being reported as a potential terrorist.
In the final video below, Alex Jones from Infowars talks with us about Fukushima and the massive mainstream news media blackout and coverup that has been going for 5+ years, comparing what’s happening at Fukushima to climate change and global warming while proving to us the MSM has an ‘agenda’, while asking: “what are they still hiding?”
Read more at: Allnewspipeline.com
Tagged Under: Tags: Fukushima, Japan, media, Mike Adams, radiation