Thursday, April 14, 2016 by Greg White
After defending his decision to screen the controversial documentary “VAXXED” at the Tribeca Film Festival, Robert De Niro succumbed to public pressure and removed the film from the movie lineup. But it wasn’t just public criticism that influenced De Niro’s decision. It has been recently discovered that De Niro was pressured by the Nazi-linked Sloan Foundation in New York to blackball the documentary.
The Sloan Foundation is named after Alfred P. Sloan, a Nazi collaborator who hated both Jews and blacks. Like Bill Gates, Sloan had a vested interest in the eugenics movement, which eventually went on to become the Human Genome Project.
The reason that the Sloan Foundation was able to pressure De Niro into pulling the documentary is because the organization has a partnership with the Tribeca Film Festival. As the festival’s webpage states:
The New York based Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, founded in 1934, makes grants in science, technology and economic performance… The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, in partnership with the Tribeca Film Institute, provides funding for narrative features or series that are scientifically relevant, accurate, and exciting through the TFI Sloan Filmmaker Fund.
All the while, sources at zengardner revealed Alfred P. Sloan’s true colors as a Nazi-collaborator and pro-eugenics elitist:
Industrialist Alfred P. Sloan, as head of General Motors, was a Nazi collaborator, and ardent admirer of Hitler. Sloan’s hatred of blacks was almost as intense as his hatred of Jews. He had a close connection with the eugenics movement which eventually became the Human Genome Project. The Sloan Foundation, together with the Rockefeller nexus, held a long standing interest in population reduction, including their involvement with the introduction of mysterious new vaccines together with the World Health Organization, which has a stated policy of population reduction, as clearly set forth in Agenda 21. (truthaboutagenda21.com).
This dubious enterprise led to a massive vaccine initiative to vaccinate against relatively rare tetanus in The Philippines, Nicaragua, and Mexico. These vaccine vials, distributed by the WHO, were found to contain hCG, which when combined with tetanus toxoid carrier, stimulated formation of antibodies against human chorionic gonadotropin, rendering women incapable of maintaining a pregnancy and potentially inducing a covert, involuntary abortion. Population control under the cover of health care. (ethiofreedom.com).
This seemingly altruistic Sloan Foundation also funded the Community Blood Council of Greater New York, Inc., which allowed more than 10,000 hemophiliacs and countless others to become fatally infected with HIV/Aids. Moreover, The Sloan Foundation held 24,000-53,000 shares issued by Merck and Co., whose president George W. Merck was director of America’s biological weapons industry and whose Hepatitis C and polio vaccines have been suspected of transmitting AIDs; and who knows what else. (Population Control: Aids/Ebola and other man-made diseases, S.R. Shearer, July 29, 2014). Dr. Leonard Horowitz’s seminal work, Aids and Ebola: Nature, Accident or Intentional, contends that both Ebola and Aids were bio-engineered by scientists working for the CIA.
Paul Joskow currently serves as President of the Sloan Foundation. He is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), which has financial connections to the Gates Foundation. The Gates Foundation has developed a reputation of insularity in terms of its grants, only funding organizations that agree to peddle their pro-vaccine agenda. Almost all pro-vaccines websites are funded and owned by Big Pharma or the Gates Foundation.
In other words, both the Gates Foundation and the Sloan Foundation are investing and promoting vaccines in an effort to reduce the world population. In fact, according to Bill Gates, “if we do a really great job on new vaccines… we could lower [world population] by perhaps 10 or 15 percent.”
The Gates Foundation’s interest in reducing the world population isn’t limited to vaccines either. The organization has a history of funding depopulation efforts, including research into deliberately destroying sperm with ultrasound technology.
The lesson to be learned? Once the surface is scratched and the layers are peeled, all vaccine research ends up being a Bill Gates way drug.
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Tagged Under: Tags: bill gates, depopulation, Gates Foundation, Sloan Foundation, vaccines, Vaxxed